Wednesday 23 January 2013

Fifty Shades of Grey

In the past year, I very soon became very familiar with the colour grey and its' many shades. This i learnt mainly from working at studio linse but as we all know, the infamous soft porn book also came out which I, like many others got sucked into and well let's put it this way...I haven't picked up a book at my leisure since I was maybe 15 years old let alone finished a book so i'm not really sure what to make of that but it has kept me entertained. I do however envy people who have Kindles or iPads or other similar e-readers to be able to read it on the train to work without looking embarrassed when pulling it out of my bag ;)

This year I even learnt the word 'greige' which studio linse invented just to be different of course and which means grey with a touch of beige. This probably also best describes the style of the studio. The number fifty was also a key figure this year at the studio as our boss turned 50 which he got teased terribly about so at christmas I decided to take this a little further. Every year at the studio, we celebrate the Dutch Sinterklaas on the 5th December where we pick a name out of a hat and then have to make a gift and write a poem about this person. I got my boss's name so the obvious thing was to play on the 'fifty shades of grey' and so the poem title soon became 'fifty shades of gay/greige' and as a gift to go with it, I made a portrait of himself collaged out of images of his various houses in fifty shades of grey. He couldn't have received it better so I was pretty pleased with myself and here it is…

This year at studio linse has been a very rewarding time and I have learnt so much whilst having worked on some really exciting projects which I look forward to seeing realised in the near future. Studio linse has given me a great jump start to the field of interior design and has taught me many things about the industry and helped me realise what and where I want to be in the future.
The warm shades of grey that has been my time at studio linse are unfortunately slowly becoming a slightly cooler grey as the end of my contract looms in the not to distant future and a new adventure will hopefully begin somewhere else. As they say where one door closes, another door opens and i'm excited to see where that will be.

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